Calvin C. Girvin in his 1958 book The Night Has a Thousand Saucers related how he had served in the Pacific briefly at the end of World War II, then returned to his home in Pennsylvania where he and his father, after Kenneth Arnold's sighting of flying saucers in 1947, became completely absorbed by the subject of saucers, reading every book, pamphlet and article they could find on the topic, and subscribing to Ray Palmer's magazine Fate. Girvin began having dreams in which he was transported to Venus, where he met human-appearing, wise Space Brothers precisely like those who befriended George Adamski. His Venusian friends, Cryxtan and Ashtar, told Girvin to join the Air Force and act as their spy, taking every opportunity to seek out and inspect any files, reports, photographs or other "evidence" the Air Force possessed on flying saucers. Girvin joined up, and while driving to Washington DC on September 15, 1952, to be assigned his duties, saw a Venusian saucer land and got a ride up to the alien "mother ship" in earth orbit. To Girvin's continuing delight he was put into food services, and soon transferred to The Pentagon, where he was assigned to bring snacks and meals to various officers. According to Girvin, he tried to strike up conversations about saucers with everyone he met, and as a result was transferred to Hawaii after a few months. A trade paperback version of Girvin's book is still in print, but is now described as "a work of fiction" on the copyright page. Based on a near-total absence of mentions on the Internet, Girvin may be the most obscure of all the 1950s contactees.
Cryxtan eventually gave Girvin a very brief and not very coherent account of the ancient history of the earth. This history, which has Venusians interbreeding with both terrestrial and extra-terrestrial animals, and some of the extra-terrestrial animals eventually retreating to caverns deep inside the earth where they now strive to be a negative influence on human affairs, owes a great debt to the Shaver Mystery hoax and to Helena P. Blavatsky's tales of the Venusian "Lords of the Flame" and their troubles with apelike Lemurians in earth's remote prehistory.